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It is the name of the system that provides the arrangement of dry products that are ready to be taken to the stock area, with or without a shipping pallet (optional). collecting robots can be machine dependent or machine independent.

Machine-dependent collecting robots are used to stack the dried products going from the dry product stacker to the machine one by one, and the dried products on the full production pallets onto the shipping pallet. When the packaging is finished, the shipping belt runs and is driven forward so that the forklift can pick it up. In this way, dry products continue to be collected, packaged or striped. This system is for automatic packaging. It works with PLC control system. In this system, the collecting robot has to catch up with the machine cycle, otherwise it makes the machine wait.

It has been thought that designing and presenting a suitable machine that can compress agricultural and wood waste materials into blocks that can be used as fuel material will therefore be a solution to the problem of protecting environmental resources. The design of the machine is based on hydraulic principles with the inclusion of a slide-crank mechanism.

Throughout history, manual or automatic collecting robots of various sizes and dimensions have been built for different machine groups to collect stones or blocks of different sizes, to save labor, to standardize and speed up production. due to the collecting robot, the need for personnel to collect the dried products is eliminated. The collecting robot also reduces the forklift cost in the drying area. In Figure 25., Figure 26. and Figure 27. examples of various collecting robots made at different times are given.

Designing the collecting Robot and Determining its General Features collecting Robots are robots that generally work on 2 axes. The 1st axis is the back and forth movement of the robot on a chassis, and the 2nd axis is the up and down movement of the jaw that grips and squeezes the blocks. Since the block machines are generally formed in line with the customer’s area and needs, the design of the collecting robots generally varies according to the machines. The need for stacking blocks of different sizes and dimensions is specific to the customer. Machine that produces 12 and 18 blocks in one cycle in this article.

As can be seen from the figure above, the collecting robot consists of the chassis, the collecting robot moving car and the clamping jaws. These sections will be discussed in general.


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