Working Culture of Generation Z: New Generation Effects in Office Spaces

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Working Culture of Generation Z: New Generation Effects in Office Spaces

Working Culture of Generation Z: New Generation Effects in Office Spaces


With its shortest and general definition, Generation Z refers to those born between 1997 and 2012 by the Brookings Institution. The Z generation is immediately noticed in the office, especially in the office with the differences in perspective in working life. The place of this generation, whose ability to use new generation technologies is mostly at a high level since childhood, is important in the digitalized world. In order to work in harmony with the Z generation in business life, it is necessary to accept the generation gap.

Generation Z acts inquisitively by approaching business life with a libertarian and innovative perspective. It is known that the generation with high creative skills feels unhappy when sharp boundaries are drawn. He seeks flexibility in working hours and days because he wants to bring social life and business life together. Generation Z follows technology closely by using the internet and computer effectively in business life because they accept the concept of digitalization as a part of life.

Working Communication Between Generations (Generation X, Y, Z)


The fact that companies have harmonious and understanding employees in the office directly affects productivity. It is possible that there will be a conflict between the Z generation and the X and Y generations, who have just entered the working life with a different understanding from the previous generations. In order to avoid communication problems between the liberal, shy, individual and fast-consuming generation Z and other generations, the human resources department should carry out qualified studies on this issue.

Generations X and Y, who focus on delivering the task on time and work within limits, are likely to become the top or colleague of Generation Z. Incompatibility may occur during teamwork, taking orders and individual working periods, especially during the adaptation process. old generation; He may feel stressful as a result of the unusual freedom he sees in the Z generation, not being afraid to reveal his thoughts, and offering to break out of the stereotypes with different thinking styles. The old office culture and traditional behaviors may need to change – stretch with the Z generation.

The Place of Generation Z in Working Life


As of today, there are approximately 2 billion Z generation in the world. By 2025, it is estimated that the Z generation will constitute approximately 30% of the world population and 27% of the workforce. With such a high rate, it is important for companies, especially the human resources department, to work in this direction. Conscious companies have already started working on this issue and are working on the adaptation of the Z generation and other generations.

One of the biggest steps taken for the Z generation to adapt to business life more easily and to reduce the problems arising from generational conflict is to appoint a mentor. Experienced employees selected as mentors have the opportunity to get to know the Z generation while raising them. Orientation programs, in-company development projects to satisfy the curiosity of the Z generation, and the assignment of positions based on their interests are among the projects implemented. In addition, companies aim to train their own experts by including the Z generation from the university period through projects.

Digital Culture and Technological Advances in Offices


While the increase in digitalization with technological developments opens the doors of a great change in office culture, the personal perspective of the Z generation also supports this situation. In addition, the decrease in office use with the pandemic period and the fact that the remote working system is adapted to work without any problems are also effective in the change.

Today, there is an increase in the number of people who work without ever going to the office or by going a few days a week. Thanks to this situation, which increases productivity, the Home Office concept, which is also preferred by the Z generation, is spreading. As long as employees have a computer and internet, they have the opportunity to travel between countries and cities and live as “Digital Nomads”.

The change in the understanding of the office and the requirements pave the way for the concepts of “Virtual Office” and “Shared Office”. When the office capacity does not meet the number of employees, shared office use and virtual office rental with a rotating working system can be applied. Digitalization and adaptation to innovation are expected in offices that maintain their physical existence. Technological offices are one of the most popular choices today, as they create space for employees to work more pleasantly and efficiently.

Ideal Office of Generation Z


The dream office design of the Z generation is suitable for their lifestyle. Their expectations are based on concepts such as freedom, flexibility, sociability-individuality, and development. These may be the expectations of the Z generation, who want to work independently of space and time, from the office that they will love:

  •  They want to have an area where they can socialize whenever they want, while turning to offices that they can use individually instead of open offices.
  •  Generation Z, who wants not only to make money but also to have fun while working, wants opportunities to have fun and improve themselves in the office environment.
  •  Generation Z, who dreams of an office where their creativity will not be limited and where they will find all the opportunities they are looking for, triggers continuous innovation in this way.
  •  Prefers office furniture supported by technology such as gamification, space management tools, smart desks and conference areas.

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