Pumice Machine Prices

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Pumice Machine Prices

Pumice Machine Prices

In this article, we will tell you about pumice machine prices and how they vary. The natural stone formed as a result of chemical reactions during volcanic activities is called pumice. Stone, which has a hollow, spongy and porous structure, is a heat and sound insulator. The long-lasting and nature-friendly natural stone does not react chemically, preventing the formation of microorganisms and rendering it completely harmless in terms of toxicities. The high strength value provides durability in natural stone against both earthquakes and many atmospheric events.

Lightweight Construction Element; Pumice

Stone, which balances moisture naturally, is among the most preferred raw materials in the production of lightweight building elements with all these qualities. Pumice machine is used in the production of volcanic rock, another name is pumice. Just like in briquette machines, the automation quality is the preferred working principle in the pumice machine. By processing the pumice stone into a light construction element, its production according to its usage area and purpose is provided with its own characteristics.

Factors affecting the prices of pumice machines

  • Daily production capacity of the machine
  • Number of pumice produced in a single print
  • Optional features to be purchased with the machine; stacking robot , stone picking robot , pallet remover , automatic packaging
  • Automation system; Fully automatic, semi-automatic, manual
  • Mortar preparation unit
  • Number of pumice molds
  • Number of pumice pallets

All of the items mentioned above determine the prices of pumice machines. Average machine prices start from 35,000 USD and can go up to 200,000 USD. The price range here depends on the above factors you choose.

While researching the prices of pumice machines, our advice to you as our company is to first decide how many pumices you want to produce in a day and do a price research accordingly. These numbers may vary in each country, in each city.


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